Rapid Set DOT Concrete Mix is a high-performance, polymer-modified, fast-setting, fiber reinforced concrete repair material. Durable in wet environments. DOT Concrete Mix is a blend of Rapid Set hydraulic cement, high performance additives, air entrainment additives, corrosion inhibitor additives, fibers and quality ASTM C33, 3/8" aggregates. Combine DOT Concrete Mix with water to produce a workable, quality concrete repair material that is ideal where fast strength gain, high durability and low shrinkage are desired.
Just add water. The use of a mechanical mixer such as a mortar mixer or drill-mounted mixer is recommended. To maximize working time, organize work so that all people and equipment are in place before mixing.
Using traditional methods, place and strike-off to desired level. Rapid Set is fast and does not bleed water so apply your final finish immediately after placing. Organize your tools and people so you can work quickly. On flat work, fill to full depth and proceed horizontally. Do NOT place in layers.
Water cure all DOT Concrete Mix installations by keeping exposed surfaces wet for a minimum of 1 hour. Begin curing as soon as the surface starts to lose its moist sheen. When experiencing extended setting time due to cold temperature or the use of retarder, longer curing times may be required. The objective of water curing shall be to maintain a continuously wet surface until the product has achieved sufficient strength.
DOT Concrete Mix can be used for concrete repair, airport pavement, highway repair, construction of pavements and bridges, parking decks and ramps, sidewalks and steps, joint repair, formed work and more.
Roughen the surface and remove all damaged or contaminated concrete. Make sure the repair surface is not contaminated by oil, paint, acids, dirt or other materials that will prevent a good bond. Immediately prior to placement, saturate the repair surface with water then remove any standing water.
One bag of DOT Concrete Mix yields 0.42 cubic feet.
Yes. DOT Concrete Mix is made with Rapid Set Cement, which is a hydraulic cement. A hydraulic cement hardens under water.
When stored in a dry location in an undamaged package, DOT Concrete Mix has a shelf life of 12 months.