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Call Us: (800) 929-3030
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm PT
Email Us: info@ctscement.com


Innovate With Confidence

The improved structural behavior and dimensional stability of Type K shrinkage-compensating concrete maximizes design versatility, constructability, and in-service performance. It allows you to innovate with confidence using a proven solution that continues its legacy of award-winning projects.

Performance Advantages
  • L/W up to 3:1 ensures optimal design, minimal joint placements, and maximum operational efficiency.
  • Traditional steel rebar, FRP rebar, steel fibers, micro-rebar, synthetics and hybrid designs can be used.
  • Restraint-to-shortening challenges are eliminated.
  • Pour/Delay strips are eliminated.
  • Shrinkage & temperature steel are eliminated.
  • Saw cuts/control joints are eliminated.
  • Construction joints are minimized.
  • Optimizes extended joint designs.
  • Large, monolithic placements provide continuity for load support and reduce load transfer reinforcement.
  • Large, monolithic placements improve project efficiencies.
  • Prevents dominant joints, curling and associated deterioration and repairs.
  • Reduces mobilizations and formwork.

Submit a Project

There's never been a better time to evaluate the use of shrinkage-compensating concrete and bulk grouts. With rising costs of materials, supply challenges, demanding performance requirements and sustainable design criteria, incorporating Komponent just makes sense.

Whether you're working on an extended joint slab, a post-tensioned structure, bridge deck or any other concrete design, reducing materials, time and labor while improving performance and constructability optimizes project value. Submit a project today and let us help you evaluate options and optimize value.

Submit a project today and let us help you evaluate options and optimize value.

Explore the Potential